Saturday 2 November 2013

Entry 8

Multimedia has made its way into the Internet. Multimedia can be in the form of music, video and animation. I believe Youtube is no stranger to any of us. Youtube is a platform whereby people are able to upload their videos made by them. For example, it can range from music that they have covered, make-up tutorials, how to play online games to just uploading a video of their everyday lives.

Personally, Youtube has become MY own form of entertainment. When I am bored or taking a break from studying, I turn to Youtube for entertainment. Due to its wide array of videos, I am able to choose what type of videos I want to see.  Not only is Youtube a form of entertainment, Youtube has also made people famous.

For example, the oh-so-popular Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber started out as a humble little boy who just happen to upload one of his music video that he did. Soon after, a producer spotted him on Youtube whilst surfing through videos and the rest is history. Today, many unknown people have become known because of Youtube and have become Youtube sensations with the videos that they post. My personal favorite channel that I subscribe to on Youtube is the “Shaytards”. The Shaytards is a typical American family but because of Youtube, they have now revolved around “vlogging” which is a term for video-blogging. Hence, every day, they would have a video about their daily activities and sharing it with the world. Not only did people overseas got famous, Singaporeans are tapping into the Youtube industry to gain popularity as well! For example, this dynamic duo who go by the name of "Munahhirziofficial" has since become a top hit amongst teenagers. Due to their constant upload of videos relating very closely to the current news happening in Singapore, it is very relatable and with the touch of humour in their videos, it adds that bit of entertainment in them. For instance, the general election that took place 2 years ago.

Because Youtube is such a hit with the public, everyone logs onto Youtube at least once a day in search of videos either for entertainment purposes or educational purposes. Hence, multimedia has made the Internet more exciting and entertaining for people these days and it has indeed added another purpose for people to surf the Internet as well!

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